Mae'n hanfodol i addysgu ein disgyblion am ddiogelwch ar-lein. Mae ein disgyblion yn aml yn cymryd rhan mewn gwersi lle mae materion diogelwch ar-lein yn cael eu hamlygu fel y gallant wneud penderfyniadau am gadw eu hunain yn ddiogel tra ar-lein. Mae ein Swyddog Cyswllt yr Heddlu hefyd yn ymweld â'r ysgol yn aml i arwain gweithdai E-ddiogelwch gyda disgyblion yn CA2.

Manteisiwch ar y cyfle i ymweld â'r dolenni isod i ddod o hyd i wybodaeth a gweithgareddau gyflawn, a fydd yn helpu i wella ymwybyddiaeth o e-Ddiogelwch.


It is vital to educate our pupils about online safety in a 21st Century school.  Our pupils often participate in lessons where online security issues are highlighted, so that they can make indepentent decisions about keeping themselves safe whilst in the digital and real world. A Police Liaison Officer will also visit the school to support the learning within the classroom, and to ensure that the appropriate safeguarding messages are shared with the children and staff.

Please take the opportunity to visit the links below to find information and complete activities, which will promote a wider awareness of e-Safety issues. 


Child Exploitation & Online Protection Centre

Think U Know

Wise Kids

BBC Chat Guide

Internet Safety Zone


Stop Text Bully

Virtual Global Taskforce – Report Abuse


Pwy ddylwn i gysylltu am help, arweiniad neu gymorth?       /     Who do I Contact for Help, Guidance or Support? 
